It seemed quite simple at first. Then I looked at how one encodes MP3 frames and I'm starting to baulk.
The idea is to read 1152 16-bit, 44.1KHz PCM samples, split the samples into 32 frequency bands, run an FFT over the samples to work out which bands are dominant and use a psycho-acoustic model to select how much of each band to put into the output frame. Add in a Huffman encoder and we are left with a lot of code and a lot of RAM usage.
The question I can't answer yet is whether it is possible to fit it all into a GA144 alongside the synthesiser.
So far I've worked out that I need two set of samples, 1152 for the current frame and 1152 for the previous frame. This allows better prediction of band energies. As it happens 1152 is 18 * 64 which fits precisely into one row of the GA144.
So I have the synth taking 18 nodes (2 x 1/2 rows), and the samples taking 2 rows leaving 5 rows of nodes to encode the huge number of calculation constants and transforms. I need the SPI interface in node 705 to initially load the code from flash RAM and then to output the generated MP3 frames to the W5500. At this stage I don't need any additional RAM/ROM but I could throw the samples and the constants into external RAM if necessary.
I think the F18 nodes will be fast enough. This is only for audio, not video or radio.
I am attempting to port the LAME encoder, which is written in C, to ArrayForth.
Some subprojects I will need to implement on the GA144:
- Move synth nodes to top of chip (609-617, 709-717) and verify it works.
- Load 1152 samples out of synth into RAM of 18 nodes. Easy enough to verify in Sim. Model transport from MD5 hash encoder example.
- Translate all the required constants in LAME code into floating point equivalents and load them into nodes (how many?). Easy enough to use Perl for the calcs.
- Implement fft_long and fft_short and test. Will need to also tool up LAME code for single step debugging so can verify results
- Implement window type selection based on FFT analysis.
- Implement mdct*. This might need cosine calc/lookup as used in (co)sine synth from previous project.
- Implement Huffman encoder. Needs a table of lookup vals.
- Create output frame from encode data plus side info.
- Output frame to W5500 and verify Internet transmission. A stand-alone test could be to output the same frame which presumably would play the same note(s) repeatedly. Each frame represents 38ms of sound so it would be very short.
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