du -s * | sort -rn
to identify the biggest users of disk space giving for example:
14104880 iTunes
683304 Noël Français
682592 sibs
221488 DancingDay
93664 MissaAlmePater
27480 ChristmasLullaby
17680 JesuJoy
13656 MissaBenedicamus
12256 MassInHonorOfSaintJoseph
8760 pdfs
3584 ChrissyCarols
2456 LookingAtTheStars
1352 BriggsMass
408 Bach-Jesu
264 40_The_First_Nowell.sib
64 Thou-knowest-Lord-Z-58b.pdf
24 StMS20140412
24 StMS20140322
24 StMS20140309
24 StMS20140208
24 StMS20131214
0 GarageBand
and the numbers are in 512-byte blocks. Nowadays that's a lot of digits to decipher in the listing. So I started using the 'h' ('human readable') option:
du -sh * | sort -rn
676K BriggsMass
334M Noël Français
333M sibs
204K Bach-Jesu
132K 40_The_First_Nowell.sib
108M DancingDay
46M MissaAlmePater
32K Thou-knowest-Lord-Z-58b.pdf
13M ChristmasLullaby
12K StMS20140412
12K StMS20140322
12K StMS20140309
12K StMS20140208
12K StMS20131214
8.6M JesuJoy
6.7M MissaBenedicamus
6.7G iTunes
6.0M MassInHonorOfSaintJoseph
4.3M pdfs
1.8M ChrissyCarols
1.2M LookingAtTheStars
0B GarageBand
Unfortunately sort doesn't know how to sort the unit suffixes. But Perl does. It's a while since I used the Schwartzian Transform but it seems perfect for the task. I copied the Wiki code into a file, dusort.pl, which I placed in a directory in my PATH variable (~/bin in this case) and modified the regex extraction to make it sort by unit suffix first and then by number giving this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.010;
my $size = {P => 6, T => 5, G => 4, M => 3, K => 2, B => 1};
map { $_->[0] }
sort {
$size->{$b->[2]} <=> $size->{$a->[2]}
$b->[1] <=> $a->[1]
map { [$_, /^([ \.0-9]{3,4})([PTGMKB])\t/] }
and now when I run the command(s):
du -sh * | dusort.pl
I get the result:
6.7G iTunes
334M Noël Français
333M sibs
108M DancingDay
46M MissaAlmePater
13M ChristmasLullaby
8.6M JesuJoy
6.7M MissaBenedicamus
6.0M MassInHonorOfSaintJoseph
4.3M pdfs
1.8M ChrissyCarols
1.2M LookingAtTheStars
676K BriggsMass
204K Bach-Jesu
132K 40_The_First_Nowell.sib
32K Thou-knowest-Lord-Z-58b.pdf
12K StMS20131214
12K StMS20140208
12K StMS20140309
12K StMS20140322
12K StMS20140412
0B GarageBand
Obviously the next thing to do is to make a shell alias:
alias dus='du -sh * | dusort.pl'
and now I even save a few keystrokes in my task to pinpoint the Biggest (L)User.